1 -- White on Black Floral Skirt, Valerie Stevens Size 16 New Paid $56.
Asking $10.
2 to 3 -- Yellow knit Sweater, Bandolino Size M.
New Paid $54.
Asking $10.
4 to 5—Blue wedding, prom or evening dress.
Paid over $110.
Wore once.
Asking $20, 15.
6 to 11 -- Lord and Taylor Black Velvet Vest Size 14.
Dark Beige Velvet Vest Size 18.
Light Brown Velvet Size 16.
Paid over $75 ea.
Asking $15 each.
12 to 13 -- Plaid Sporty/Dressy 55% Wool Jacket, 35% Polyester, velvet collar and pocket flaps, w/lining Size 16.
Paid over $120 Like new.
Asking $30
14 to 15 —Cape Cod Sportswear - Black top laced with white roses.
Paid over $60.
Asking $25, 20, 18.
16 to 17 — Black Alfred Dunner pants w/pockets and elastic waist.
Size 16.
Paid $50 Asking $15.
18 to 19 — Black winter sweater, sleeves w/5” chenille cuts surrounded w/2 rows rhinestones.
Paid $105.
Asking $20.
20-23 -- Navy Blue, Dressy suit.
Long jacket w/matching pants and satin collar by Jason Mathews.
Size 16W.
Paid over $150.
Asking $20
24-26 Brown, wintry, Dressy 2pc sweater suit w/matching skirt.
Stretchable & comfortable to wear.
Avenue Collection Size 1x.
Paid over $150.
Asking $20
If interested, please reply w/your e-mail and phone # w/in a week, before add expires.